help people from all cultures in our community…

Follow Christ 

Follow Christ as Savior and Shepherd.

Grow in Christ

Grow in Christ as disciples and disciple-makers. 

Show Christ

Show Christ to others locally and globally for God’s glory. 

Our Mission

We pray that our church will represent Christ well in our community, and we pray that our community will be represented in our church.

Why a new church?

One Hope Church is a new and growing church! As the demographics of Metro Atlanta continue to change rapidly, many local churches are struggling to adapt to the ever-growing multicultural environment. In response to this reality, One Hope Church was launched in 2020 with the following mission statement:

We pray that our church will represent Christ in our community, and we pray that our community will be represented in our church.

A Window into Heaven

We believe that the church, the body of Christ here on earth, should be a window of what it will be like in Heaven. Revelation 7:9-10 gives us a glimpse into Heaven “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

Unified in Christ

In a time where our society is so polarized by political opinions, social status, and ethnic origin, we are convinced that we must refocus on Christ in order to unite together for the sake of the gospel!

Colossians 3:11,15 provide a clear picture of what the church should look like, “Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all…And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. 

Stronger Together

We believe that diversity within the church is a gift from the Lord and should make us stronger together instead of driving us apart. We want Christ to shape the culture of our church rather than allowing our culture to shape our church. We want Christ to be “all, and in all.” – Colossians 3:11

Why a new church?

One Hope Church is a new and growing church! As the demographics of Metro Atlanta continue to change rapidly, many local churches are struggling to adapt to the ever-growing multicultural environment. In response to this reality, One Hope Church was launched in 2020 with the following mission statement:

We pray that our church will represent Christ in our community, and we pray that our community will be represented in our church.

A Window into Heaven

We believe that the church, the body of Christ here on earth, should be a window of what it will be like in Heaven. Revelation 7:9-10 gives us a glimpse into Heaven “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

Unified in Christ

In a time where our society is so polarized by political opinions, social status, and ethnic origin, we are convinced that we must refocus on Christ in order to unite together for the sake of the gospel!

Colossians 3:11,15 provide a clear picture of what the church should look like, “Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all…And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. 

Stronger Together

We believe that diversity within the church is a gift from the Lord and should make us stronger together instead of driving us apart. We want Christ to shape the culture of our church rather than allowing our culture to shape our church. We want Christ to be “all, and in all.” – Colossians 3:11


In such a diverse area where many languages are spoken, we recognize the challenge of gathering together and worshipping the Lord in English. We already provide Portuguese interpreting for our 9:30 am service, and we plan to expand our interpretation ministry as the Lord leads other bilingual people to our church. As our ministry expands, we also plan to offer ESL classes to help those within our community who are not fluent in English.  Our pastor and his family lived and ministered in Brazil for eighteen years, and three of their five children are dual citizens. They experienced first-hand the difficulties and blessings of moving to a new country and learning a new language. In the same way that countless Brazilians helped them to learn Portuguese and embrace Brazilian culture, Pastor David and Kim along with the One Hope Church family are passionate about helping the international community of Metro Atlanta adapt well to life and service for the Lord here in the United States!


Even though our church is new, we are so thankful that our church family is already multigenerational. In the same way that we can all benefit spiritually from the gathering together of people from different cultures and different ethnic backgrounds in the church, there are also tremendous discipleship opportunities within a multigenerational church. From newborns to senior adults, the One Hope Family gathers together each week to worship the Lord together and to help one another grow in Christ!

Our Mission

Our Mission is evident even in the tagline of our church:

One Race. (the human race) One Savior. (Jesus Christ) One Purpose. (to glorify Him together)

Expect to Belong

 Visiting a church can be intimidating but when it comes to our church, we want you to come, relax, and belong.

We’re not perfect.

That’s probably why we make such close family, we are all a work in progress and seek to grow in grace.  We are not here to evaluate you, but to welcome you.  Don’t worry about having to measure up or fit in. There is no dress code. You will see people in jeans, shorts, dresses, and business casual attire. We really mean it when we say that “At Our church you’re not only welcome, you’re wanted.”

We’re about a relationship.

We believe that the bible teaches that the most important thing any of us can have is a personal relationship with Christ.  If you are new to that, that’s ok, we would love to show you where to start!  There is no tradition, no structure, and no systems more important than your relationship with Jesus.  That is our focus here at One Hope; A Relationship, not a Religion.

We’re Christ followers.

We worship Jesus, study the Bible, and encourage each other in simple terms you’ll be able to connect to your daily life.  We believe and teach what the bible actually says and why it matters.  The truth in the pages of God’s word are as relevant today as when they were first written.  Through the teaching and preaching of God’s Word we can help show you how to apply that Truth to life in the twenty-first century.

We’re normal people.

When you walk through the doors of out church you will find hard working people, just like you.  People looking for encouragement, for help, for hope, and for a better understanding of God’s Word.  We really are just regular, friendly people who have found faith in Jesus Christ and therefore a family in Christ. 

Expect to Grow

Together, we are growing to become who God created us to be!

First, expect a friendly, grace-filled culture.

The gospel of grace is the center of everything we do at our church. Our family is warm and welcoming. 

Expect some help along the way.

Greeters will welcome you with some information about the services and help you find classes and nurseries, as well as some new friends!

Expect to find a place where you fit.

Nurseries, children’s ministries, and adult classes are all well-planned and prepared so that your Sunday is a well-invested time of personal growth.

Expect meaningful worship.

At our church, we worship Jesus. Our goal is worship, not entertainment, and we believe the service will touch you deeply.

Expect a practical Bible message.

Pastor David will teach through a book of the Bible or through a practical series that applies God’s wisdom to real-life situations. The Bible has the answers you’ve been looking for, and it’s essential for your journey through life. 

Expect to be impacted for the better.

Our goal is simple—to love and encourage you. Whatever you’re facing, wherever you come from, whatever decisions you are up against—God’s word and God’s love will make a massive difference.

Expect to connect and grow personally.

Every week, our church welcomes guests from throughout the Atlanta area. Many of them are burnt out on either religion or secularism, and are sincerely looking for a truthful, spiritual alternative to both. We believe Jesus’ gospel is the only true answer for the longing of a person’s soul.

Our church is for the skeptic or the believer.

Whether you believe in Jesus or not, have an open mind and come hear Jesus’ message taught clearly and practically. Investigate who Jesus really is and discover what most religions never tell you about the Bible. To discover more, download the free eBook—DONE!

Have Questions?

Ask us anything, or let us know how we can pray for you.

Seriously, go ahead.



9:30am The Gathering

11:00am Growth Groups

11:00am One Hope Kids



1407 Cobb Pkwy N
Marietta, GA 30062

*Click here for directions


Mailing Address:

2862 Glenburnie Ct.
Acworth, GA 30101



Far more important than just one man's opinions or a life coaching session, we explore God's Word together each week in order to learn more about our amazing God and how to live for Him in our daily lives! These messages are posted weekly for you to listen to again or to share with a friend. 
