The Life Cycle of our Ministry

Our goals for everyone who comes to One Hope Church are to:
Follow Christ as Savior
Follow Christ as Savior and Shepherd by participating in the Sunday Gathering Time
Grow in Christ
Grow in Christ by participating in Growth Groups (Sundays) and Community Groups (during the week)
Show Christ to Others
Show Christ to others by serving in the church and in the community

Follow Christ
Follow Christ as Savior and Shepherd by participating in the Sunday Gathering Time.
During our weekly Gathering Time, you will be encouraged to follow Christ as your Savior. This is the first step in beginning the life cycle in Christ. Click here to learn more. If you know Christ already, you will be challenged to follow Him as your Shepherd. During our weekly Gathering Time, we will sing together, pray together, and study God’s Word together. For Portuguese speakers, the sermon is translated live each Sunday.
Worship Services
During our weekly Gathering Time, we will sing together, pray together, and study God’s Word together.
Since we believe that coming to church is much more than just being entertained or watching a performance, we invite everyone to participate in the service but don’t feel bad if all you do is observe while you discover God’s church.
Musicians will help lead our time of praise in song, but ultimately, we want everyone to lift up their voices together in worship to our amazing God.
Instead of just being a filler in between songs or a time where others can step into their place up front, we will strive to invest time together in prayer to a God who always hears us. – John 10:3-4
Child Care
As a way to help parents of young children be able to participate more freely, childcare (0-3 yrs. old) is provided during our Gathering Time (9:30-10:40) and during our Growth Groups (11:00-11:40).

Grow in Christ
Grow in Christ as a disciple and disciple-maker by participating in Growth Groups (Sundays) and Community Groups (during the week).
Through One Hope’s Growth Groups and Community Groups, you will grow in Christ as a disciple and a disciple-maker as you meet with others for fellowship, care, prayer, accountability, sharing life experiences, and studying God’s Word.
Sundays 11:00am
Each Sunday after the Gathering Time, the adults and teens participate in Growth Groups from 11:00 am – 11:40 am.
Expect Discussions
During this time, we explore further the truths and practical applications of the Pastor’s sermon or other topics using a question and answer discussion format.
Group Prayer
Another important element of Growth Groups is the opportunity provided for the group to pray together after sharing prayer requests and praises with each other.
Participating in the Growth Groups is an awesome way to connect with the church family as well as to receive care from the church family.
Smaller Groups
Although we believe that meeting together as a church each week on Sundays is extremely important, we believe that it is also crucial for the church family to meet together in smaller groups at other times throughout the month.
One Hope’s community groups will meet together regularly to encourage one another in God’s Word, eat together, laugh together, cry together, spend time in each other’s homes, and serve their community.
More like family!
There are approximately 59 “one another” passages in the New Testament. Community groups offer many opportunities for the church family to connect on a much deeper level and to put these passages into practice as they do life together. After all, doing life together with your church family is so much more than just sitting together in rows on Sunday morning!

Show Christ to others
Show Christ to others by serving your church and your community.
True growth will lead you to show Christ to others. Every member of One Hope Church is encouraged to have a ministry in the church and in the community. Take a look at the many ways you can use your God-given talents and gifts to serve others through One Hope’s Ministry Teams and in the Community.
Serve your church
Show Christ to others by serving and equipping other believers in the church family through ministry teams.

One Hope Pastoral Team
Pastors, as undershepherds of Christ for the church, are called to lead the church and to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12) As our new church grows, we pray the Lord will add additional pastors to help Pastor David shepherd and equip the church family. (1 Peter 5:1-4)

One Hope Administrative Team
Pastor, Treasurer, Secretary
In an effort to be good stewards of the resources that God gives to our church and to “walk in wisdom toward outsiders” (Colossians 4:5), the administrative team works together to do everything “in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40) in the area of finances, church documentation, and administrative responsibilities.

One Hope Care Team
Deacons, their wives, and others
Deacons and their wives, as servants of Christ for the church, are called to serve. In the spirit of discipleship, the deacons and their wives will endeavor to train up others to join them in caring for the physical needs of the church. By serving the church family in this way, the Care Team also helps the pastors prioritize their time in “prayer and …the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:4; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

One Hope Media Team
Sound, Live Stream, Website, Social Media, Photography, Design, Churchwide Communication
The Communications Team will seek to use digital avenues to “open…a door for the word” and “to make it clear” (Colossians 4:3-6) and to “encourage one another and build one another up.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

One Hope Operations Team
Security, Setup and Cleanup
As our church family joins together for our weekly Gathering Times, the Operations Team’s focus will be to Follow Christ as our Shepherd, Grow in Christ together, and Show Christ to others through loving service. Sweeping a room, setting up chairs, rolling out a TV, and moving tables are all super important steps that will help the church family stay focused on the main purpose instead of being distracted by a dirty room, a sloppy nursery, insufficient seating, or other preventable distractions.

One Hope Welcome Team
Parking Lot Helpers , Welcome Greeters, Welcome Table, Gathering Time Hosts
According to Jesus, those who follow him will be known by their love for one another. (John 13:35) This Christlike love will motivate believers to show hospitality both to regular attenders (1 Peter 4:9) and to first-time guests (Hebrews 13:2)! The Welcome Team will go out of their way to show the love and hope of Christ to all who attend our gatherings by sharing a smile, holding an umbrella, finding available seats, showing people around the building, introducing first-time guests to others, and so much more.

One Hope Praise Team
Musicians, Singers
Since we believe that coming to church is much more than just being entertained or watching a performance, we invite everyone to participate in the service. The musicians and singers of the Praise Team will help lead our church family to worship our amazing God with thankfulness! (Colossians 3:15-17)

One Hope Outreach Team
Local Outreach, Global Outreach
Jesus declared that we are “not of the world” but that He sent us “into the world” as salt and light. The Outreach Team will help involve our entire church family in advancing the gospel in many different ways both locally and globally for God’s glory. (John 17:16-18; Matthew 5:13-16)

One Hope Finance Team
Offering Counting, Budget Planning
The Finance Team will endeavor to oversee the ongoing financial responsibilities of the church with transparency and integrity in a way that is “honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.” (2 Corinthians 8:16-21)

One Hope Kids Team
Sunday Classes, Nursery, Other Activities
Our One Hope Kids are not only the future of our church, they are already a vital part of our church! The Kids Team will invest in the lives of our children with the goal of seeing them Follow Christ, Grow in Christ, and Show Christ to others in age-appropriate ways.
Serve your community
Show Christ to others by serving and loving those around you.
Show Christ
Show Christ to your community by living and proclaiming the gospel to unbelievers through your circles of influence.
Circles of Influence
Your circles of influence include connections that you have with unbelievers through your hobbies, neighborhood, school, job, extracurricular activities, and more!
“Not of…but sent into”
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit. (John 15:16 ) They are not of the world…as you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world (John 17:16-18) as salt and light. (Mat. 5:13-16)
Attractional & Missional
Through these connections within our community, we’ll have opportunities for “Come and see” ministry as well as “Go and tell” ministry. – John 1:35-46; Luke 5:29-32

Have Questions?
Ask us anything, or let us know how we can pray for you.
Seriously, go ahead.
Mailing Address:
2862 Glenburnie Ct.
Acworth, GA 30101
Far more important than just one man's opinions or a life coaching session, we explore God's Word together each week in order to learn more about our amazing God and how to live for Him in our daily lives! These messages are posted weekly for you to listen to again or to share with a friend.